For Professionals

Art Of Joint

Joint styles for stone & brick veneers

Stonewrap veneers have been a popular choice in numerous projects due to their brilliant appearance. However, the true art of stone masonry is in the details and the selection of the grout technique and color is just as important as the choice of stone veneer. Whether your goal is to create a traditional, historical, or a contemporary look, experimenting with different grout styles can greatly enhance the overall aesthetic of the Stonewrap veneers. In this guide, we aim to share our knowledge and understanding of how to achieve the best results when using Stonewrap veneers by highlighting the impact of the grout technique and color.



Sometimes the lack of grout has a great impact on the look of decorative stonework. Dry-Stack stone veneer replicates the look of stone taken from the field and piled one atop another. If done proper, it adds a beautiful rustic look to any stone project. It is usually desirable to do touch-up intervention to fill noticable voids where the stones are not a perfect fit or broken stone edges. Using Stonewrap® Smart Stone chips for filling these undesirable voids would be an ideal way to achieve the best appearance.



A standard joint also known as a raked joined, is accomplished by laying each stone roughly one finger width apart from each other, then grouting between each stone. Typically, the mortar is recessed 5-10mm from the stone face. Once the mortar is semi-dry it is later "raked" with a variety of tools to ultimately achieve a consistent depth. More variation occurs in the topography since the mortar is struck back to a consistent plane depth. Stonewrap® provides you with the most suitable Joint Grout in 6 distinctive shades with superior color consistency.



A popular way to achieve an authentic look. The surface of the grout and the stones are roughly leveled in this joint method. It is important to overfill joints when applying grout. Remove excessive grout by using a trowel or a wood stick when the mortar is in semi-dry state. In this method, stone appears more uniform because the mortar joint is closer to the face of stone. The Full Grout Joint technique uses almost every stone shipped because broken edges can be hidden by grout. Use Stonewrap® Joint Grout in 6 distinctive shades with superior color consistency to achieve best result.



This is a unique style that conveys the feelings of warmth and tradition. Mostly used to add an old-world or rustic look. Overfill joints when applying grout and allow flooding the joint mortar over the edges of the stones. Sprade excessive grout by using a trowel or a wood stick before the grout starts to dry. This technique uses almost every stone shipped because broken edges can be hidden by grout. Mortar color also has a significant impact on the final look. Use Stonewrap® Joint Grout in 6 distinctive shades with superior color consistency to achieve best result.


STANDARD JOINT - Grout Color: Bahama Beige

Typically, the mortar is recessed 5-10mm from the thin brick face.


STANDARD JOINT - Grout Color: Mocha

Typically, the mortar is recessed 5-10mm from the brick veneer face.


STANDARD JOINT - Grout Color: Grigio

Typically the mortar is recessed 5-10mm from the thin brick face.


GRAPEVINE JOINT - Grout Color: Bahama Beige

The technique is named as such because it is carried out by scratching the surface of the joint with sticks obtained from pruned vines. It can also be done with a thick nail.


CREAM FILLING JOINT - Grout Color: Bahama Beige

Cream filling jointing technique is carried out by heavily filling the gaps between thin brick pieces with jointing mortar like cream by using jointing bags. This technique creates an extraordinary appearance.


OVER GROUT - Grout Color: Bahama Beige

Flooding the joint mortar over the edges of the bricks and spreading it partialy over brick veneer surfaces. Mostly used to add an authentic touch.


SQUEEZED JOINT - Grout Color: Grigio

Using more than adequate adhesive amount mortar over the joint gaps. This technique proves itself to be dynamic and effective. In this technique, joint space should be narrower than the standart.
