For Professionals

Common Brick Laying Patterns

Thin brick veneer can be laid in many different patterns which are designed to complete your project perfectly, like a tailored suit. These six patterns introduced here are inspired from the most common brick-building styles of civilizations from ancient time to the present.

Yaygın uygulama

Running Bond

It is one of the simplest and most common brick installation styles. Bricks are installed end to end in a straight line. Staggering the rows a half brick length on each line, prevents colliding the mortar on the vertical lines with the below lines.

Sepet Örgüsü

Basket Weave

Bricks are combined as dual, triple or quad. Combinations are installed by directing them one group vertical, one group horizontal and as if weaving a basket. It looks like a chessboard texture.

İngiliz Örgüsü

English Bond

One course is installed with whole bricks and the next course is installed with half bricks on English Bond. The header and stretcher courses alternate on each line of the wall. The most important trick of this style is to sync up the grout between the whole bricks with the center of the half bricks. Stretchers are centered on stretchers; headers on headers.

Zikzak Örgü

Herringbone Bond

This style is inspired from the herringbone. The bricks are installed at 45 or 90 degree angles in a zigzag pattern. It is one of the oldest patterns and it was first used to pave the streets in the Roman Empire.

Kuru Yığma Örgü

Dry Stack Bond

Dry stack refers to a building technique on which bricks are installed with no mortar between them. While brick sizes are supposed to be the same in practice, it is natural that sizes may vary due to their structure and production techniques. Dry stack bond is a difficult technique; and a good job is the sign of a true craftspersonship.

Yığma Örgü

Stack Bond

This style also called jack-on-jack. Bricks are installed without staggering the rows and in alignment with the below lines. Horizontal and vertical mortar lines continue uninterrupted throughout the wall. This is the best installation style for curved walls since it requires almost no brick cutting.

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